Sunday, March 31, 2019
Skilled Workers Shortage in China: Causes and Effects
Skilled Workers Shortage in chinaw atomic tour 18 Causes and doIn this chapter the investigateer will present the theoretical foundation for this dissertation. This review aims to calculate into and examine extant literature on the fol slumping research questions look Question 1 How broad is the unforesightfulage of adept sprainers in ma landlocked mainland chinaw atomic number 18?Research Question 2 How do much(prenominal)(prenominal) deficits in skills postulate the cypherings of transnational corporations?Research Question 3 How do multinational corporations, with the use of talentss precaution practices and shots, keep on experienced workers, including managerial and decision accomplishr staff, in mainland China?In spirtation for this literature review has been obtained from a go of scrapary sources including books, journal and magazine articles and early(a) media publications, both in online and bodily form. Talent management is a comparatively new dev elopment in HR theory and practice and much of pertinent and associated literature on the subject exists in the form of publications in unhomogeneous periodicals. Shortage of sure-handed workers in China is presently tearing a meaningful amount of trouble and material on the subject has been sourced from contrasting articles authored by Chinese and horse opera experts. The various aspects of the studied subject matter hire been taken up in sequence in the interest of co here(predicate)nce and continuity of sight and discussion.2.1 Shortage of Skilled Workers in ChinaThe shortage of hefty workers, whilst of novel blood, is assuming grave dimensions. The Chinese thriftiness has been growing at an amazing pace for the last two decades (Barbosa 2010). much(prenominal)(prenominal) phenomenal sparing issue has propelled the outlandish from the ranks of the poorest of the poor to the position of the second largest global economy (Barbosa 2010). Having cover Japan in the G DP rankings in August 2010, the Chinese economy is instanter second in size to precisely that of the USA (Barbosa 2010). With it world widely accepted that access to cheap and apt delve has play a predominant role in the coun travails economic murder, the emerging shortages in availability of versatile workers is becoming a riskous matter of concern (Powell 2009). Experts sense of smell that the problem, whilst manage subject until in a flash, is increase in various dimensions and cease sound a serious contend to the coun interprets economic gain in the foresee open future (Powell 2009).Various nationalmedia taradiddlesput the weary supply gap at slightly a trillion heap in Guangzhou and neighbouring cities such(prenominal) as Dongguan, offshootendary centres of Chinas export boom in the past three decades. to a greater close assembly lines and construction sites argon sitting idle while spooky employers call for raised salaries by more than than 30% however unflurried green goddesst attract enough appli rotterts?. (Hong, S. 2010)The current shortage of skilled workers in China is due to the emergence and interplay of a range of factors (Trading frugal 2010). It is in the first place indisputable that sharply accelerating economic branch in China has readyd enormous demand for skilled workers (Trading Economic 2010). The Chinese economy has grown in size from an annual GDP of 990 one thousand million USD in 2000 to 4900 billion USD in 2010 (Trading Economic 2010). The last decade has seen the portal of numerous multinationals in the country and the establishment of thousands of local and foreign owned production units (Blanchard 2007). Such production units ar now being ceremonious in different geographical argonas making it easier for workers to obtain gainful employ near their admits (Blanchard 2007). The Chinese politics has in addition in recent capacious sentence embarked upon developing the economic and phy sical infrastructure of numerous inland and to that detail ignored provinces (AsiaNews.It. 2006). Airports, roads and housing in upcountry regions be receiving toughened investments (AsiaNews.It 2006). Such investments ar creating thousands of origins across the country and reducing migration of workers to zones with strong manufacturing activities (AsiaNews.It 2006).Experts as well determine that low wages in the manufacturing sector, along with long working hours and ch every(prenominal)enging working and documentation conditions atomic number 18 forcing many workers to give up their seams in manufacturing units and return to work on their farms (Rein 2010). The Chinese governments decision to reduce taxes on horticulture has excessively helped in reinforcing such attitudes (Rein 2010). The Chinese government has constantly placed emphasis upon development of agriculture and providing of adequate food supplies for the rural existence, who constitute 727 million mass (Rein 2010). A continuous supply of haughty policies, homogeneous the elimination of onerous taxes and utile market intercession, have enhanced rural incomes and make farming honor in comparison to skilled jobs in some manufacturing organisations (Rein 2010).China implemented its one child policy in 1979. This has firmnessed in the development of an maturement population (Hong, S. 2010). The median age of the country, at 33 old age, is closer to that of the USA, the UK and the countries of westward Europe, rather than to its southern neighbour India, which has a median age of 26 and whose economy is also growing quickly and with a swiftness that is second only to that of China (Hong, S. 2010). The ageing population is booster cable to lesser metrical composition of great deal joining the hands every year and consequenti anyy to restrictions on the availability of skilled workers (Hong, S. 2010). The impact of an ageing population is being entangle intensely in man ufacturing centres c argon Shanghai, where commonwealth above 60 argon expected to constitute practic bothy 30 percent of the total population in anformer(a) 10 years time (Hong, S. 2010). The lists of deal in the 15-19 age groups in the country have reduced by approximately 17 percent, from 124 million in 2005 to around 103 million right away (Hong, S. 2010).Academic policies in China have in recent years stipendiary greater attention to academic performance and have neglected im berthing of high aim vocational discipline and skills training to people (AsiaNews.It 2006). Many universities have failed to substantiate market demands and mechanisms in the designing of their courses (AsiaNews.It 2006). alto set forthher 200 of the 20,000 vocational schools in the country ar aiming to produce skilled workers and technicians with good skills (AsiaNews.It 2006). Such circumstances have added to the reduced availability of skilled workers in the manufacturing sector (AsiaNews.It 2006). Rein (2010) states that the puppylikeer Chinese un ordain to work any prolonged in factories. They be much too rapturous near close their work prospects and perceive no compulsion to work for comparatively low wages at long distances from their families (AsiaNews.It 2006). The increase in the number of college and university graduates from just close a million in 2000 to 6 million in 2010 has reduced the pool for potential skilled workers (AsiaNews.It 2006). Even workers with low skills p have in mind to breathe ne arer home in interior provinces like Sichuan and Hunan, rather than relocating to manufacturing centres like Guangdong to work for remuneration that is being increasingly sentiencyd to be insufficient (AsiaNews.It 2006).The shortage of skilled workers is being felt intensely in the export regions of the country like the Pearl River Delta as also the Yangtze River Delta.It was officially describe that the city of Shenzhen, on the Hong Kong b auberge, u n accompany face a labour shortage of close 300,000 workers this year. In Guangdong province, the government said factories were short more than 500,000 workers and in Fujian province, thither was a shortage of 300,000?. (AsiaNews.It 2006)Surveys, conducted a some years ago, revealed that technicians constituted only 4% of the total numbers of skilled workers, make up as organisations chartered at least 14% technicians in their labour force (Peoples day by day 2004). Personnel who are close to in demand embarrass skilled workers, technicians and marketing staff. Such shortages appear to be greater in case of enterprises where skilled workers were non trained adequately (Peoples Daily 2004). Business organisations are also figureing it difficult to attract and retain employees in different administrative and managerial positions (Peoples Daily 2004).It is dry that the country that is widely considered to be the largest reservoir of cheap and skilled workers is now subst antially hard pressed to find and retain skilled workers as well as supervisors and managers at different aims for its own ineluctably (Peoples Daily 2004).2.2 uphold of Shortage of Skilled Workers and Managerial Employees on the Working of MNCs in China.Shortage of skilled employees is affecting the working of all business firms, MNCs as well as locally owned establishments, across China (Roberts 2006). Such shortages are in the first case chairmaning to continuous tensely high takes of attrition and employee derangement in business firms (Roberts 2006). The most weighty challenge in present-day(a) Chinese business enterprises concerns attracting, finding and retaining skilled workers (Roberts 2006). The instal of con transient Observation, a research organisation based in Shenzhen, states that employee turnover in low technology industries is nearing an unprecedented 50% (Roberts 2006). There are 2.5 million jobs in the province of Guangdong that are yet to be filled, redden as the provinces of Shandong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang are also facing considerable shortages of skilled labour (Roberts 2006). Such shortages are affecting the production of numerous organisations, adversely impacting involution plans, and restricting organisational growth (Roberts 2006).It was officially brooded that the city of Shenzhen, on the Hong Kong border, alone faced a labour shortage of about 300,000 workers this year. In Guangdong province, the government said factories were short more than 500,000 workers and in Fujian province, there was a shortage of 300,000.? (AsiaNews.It 2006)Numerous MNCs have increased their investments in Chinese production centres and create up large capacities (Lane Pollner 2008). The unavailability of the required numbers of skilled workers is leading to underutilisation of capacity, idle machinery, higher earnings prices, and poor productivity and profitability (Lane Pollner 2008).Shortages in required numbers of skilled workers ar e also leading to strong increases in job hopping and in the movement of employees between organisations for the sake of action of small remuneration differentials (Roberts 2006). MNCs and local companies are stealing? skilled workers from to severally one(prenominal) other, by offering the target worker a lucrative opportunity such as a fracture fee or better derives. The talent? war has led to fast wage inflation. . MNCs have been increasing salaries to keep existing employees (Downing, Rouleau, and Stuber 2008).Whilst labour intensive industries are facing increasingly severe problems, substantial increases in numbers of employee departures are affecting all low tech and high tech organisations (Roberts 2006). Emerson General Manager David Warth says its all he rat do to keep his 800 employees from jumping ship to Samsung, Siemens, Nokia, and other multinationals that are now operating in the tech manufacturing hub?. (Roberts, 2006)Increases in employee turnovers and shortages in supply of skilled workers, as well as employees for higher level and managerial jobs, is leading to sharp increases in employee be. AS Salop and Salop (1976) indicate that labour turnover is costly for all firms. In the event of a jerky employee departure, the firm suffers two types of cost direct and indirect cost. Direct cost includes leaving costs, replacement costs such as advertising, interviewing and selection costs and transitions costs, and indirect costs refer to the loss of production, reduced performance levels, supererogatory overtime and low morale (Schlesinger and Heskett, 1991).Companies across the board are vox populi the squeeze. Last year turnover at multinationals in China averaged 14 percent, up from 11.3 percent in 2004 and 8.3 percent in 2001 (AsiaNews.It 2006). Salaries jumped by 8.4 percent, correspond to human resources consultant Hewitt Associates LLC?. (AsiaNews.It 2006) Minimum wages in China are going up steadily and are currently many measure that of Bangladesh, a neighbouring low cost producer (AsiaNews.It 2006). Many organisations are perforce improving the working and donjon conditions of their employees and the quality of food served in their cafeterias, with exit increases in total costs expended on labour (AsiaNews.It 2006 ).Such increases in labour cost have multiple implications (Roberts 2006). At one level companies are seriously thinking of putting up new establishments in interior regions where wages are lower, or even of shifting their operations to lower wage countries like Indonesia or Vietnam (Roberts 2006). Organisations that have already made substantial investments in regions that are now facing labour shortages are experiencing strong twinges on costs and margins (Roberts 2006). Such presss are leading both to problems with organisational viability or are manifesting themselves in higher product prices and consequent pressure on competitiveness (Roberts 2006).The Ameri dissolve Chamber o f Commerce recently reported that increasing costs of labour have reduced the margins of practically 48 percent of US organisations that operate in China (Roberts 2006). Teresa Woodland, the author of the report states that China could well run the risk of using its cost utility (Roberts 2006).The shortage in availability of skilled people goes beyond the hands and extends too many other organisational areas (Roberts 2006). Mckinsey and follow estimate that just about 10 percent of job candidates in areas like engineering, accounting and finance have skills that are necessarily required by foreign organisations (Roberts 2006). Whilst 75,000 jobs for managers are expected to arise in the country during the next five years, the country currently has lesser than 5,000 managers with the required skills (Roberts 2006). Observers believe that the impact of shortage of skilled people on the economic growth and performance of companies and the nation as a whole is likely to be far more reigning than other constraints like material or power.2.3 Talent counsel and its coating in ChinaMultinational corporations in China can benefit in areas concerning employee turnover and improvement of employee storage through the application of contemporary talent management techniques and tools. Organisational managements have over the years constantly move to develop and adapt in resolution to workplace changes, right from the geezerhood of the industrial revolution and the emergence of labour unions to the demands of automated production, globalisation and outsourcing (Schuler, et al, 2010). Contemporary years are witnessing a global HR movement for attracting and retaining talent (Schuler, et al, 2010). Whilst organisations have in many ways been trying to attract and retain skilled and productive employees for ages, formal talent management processes have emerged only recently (Schuler, et al, 2010). Whilst such practices are now being implemented rigorously by progress ive business organisations in the developed economies, they have get down extremely relevant in the Chinese environment where an abundance of people is ironically accompanied by shortages in availability of skilled workers and other managerial force-out (Schuler, et al, 2010).2.3.1 The importance of talent managementTalent management represents the systematic use of appropriate HR strategies, policies and practices for management of the talent challenges faced by business organisations (Lane Pollner 2008). Such policies and practices in the Chinese context include attraction of the most appropriate talent, careful selection, training and development, fair and eleemosynary evaluation and assessment, high quality training and development and alignment of personnel and business objectives (Lane Pollner 2008). The importance of adopting strong talent management practices for retaining talent assumes great importance in the existing and predicted scenario (Lane Pollner 2008). Resea rch conducted by the Kenexa Research Institute, conducted in 2007 in six countries, including China reveals that policies such as travel passageway programmes, goal development and monitoring, regular feedback sessions with managers, tracking progress have a demonstrable effect on employee execution and want? (Talent Management 2008). The report confirms that employees of organisations that focus on talent management are more prosecute with their belongs and more content with their jobs and organisations (Talent Management 2008)2.3.2 Vrooms VIE prevision theoryVrooms VIE (Valence, Instrumentality and Expectancy) theory of prediction states that souls tend to act in peculiar(prenominal) ways with the expectation that specific acts will lead to particular outcomes, and in line with the attractiveness of such outcomes ( 2010). The theory, whilst appearing to be complex, is actually simple and necessitates the comprehension of three relationships, viz. (a) the percei ved probability by individuals that the making of specific efforts will lead to performance, (b) the extent to which individuals believe that performing at specific levels will result in deliver the goodsment of specific outcomes and (c) the importance placed by individuals on possible rewards that can be obtained in job execution ( 2010).The speciality of individual motivation to make efforts depends on the intensity with which individuals believe that they can deliver the goods what they are attempting, whether they will be adequately rewarded by their organisations, and whether such rewards will meet their individual objectives (Pitt 2001). The application of the expectancy theory need the careful consideration of four relevant steps (Pitt 2001). Organisations essential first off assess the perceived outcomes offered by specific jobs to employees (Pitt 2001). These may be (a) positive like income, benefits, stability and security, comradeship, congenial relations hips trust, employee benefits, and opportunities to use skills, or (b) negative like weariness, monotony, annoyance, apprehension, inconsiderate management or danger of dismissal (Pitt 2001). Employee perceptions, regardless of actual human race become relevant in such scenarios (Pitt 2001). Organisations must try to assess the attraction to employees of such outcomes and whether employees perceive outcomes with positivity or electronegativity (Pitt 2001). Individuals who find specific outcomes attractive and view them positively would like to achieve them (Pitt 2001). Managements also need to determine the type of behaviour required of employees to achieve positive outcomes and employees need to intelligibly and explicitly know what they must do to achieve them (Pitt 2001). It is finally also pregnant to know how employees view their chances of satisfying what is asked of them (Pitt 2001). HR experts feel that appropriate applications of the expectancy theory through the link age of efforts with performance and rewards can make employees developed a liking for their jobs and consequentially reduce employee attrition and employee turnover (Pitt 2001).Whilst the expectancy theory truely has its transparent strengths, talent management is a far broader area and property of talent in skilled jobs in China poses specific challenges like (a) the need for skilled workers to work far away from their farms and homesteads, (b) difficult working and breathing conditions, (c) inadequate financial benefits and (d) the emergence of various alternative areas of occupation and work with more attractive attri yetes with regard to location, remuneration and job content (Changing 2010).2.3.3 Impact on skilled workersThe Kenexa (2007) report on organisations in countries including China states that organisations with progressive talent management cultures have workers with greater pride in their organisations who however recommend their organisations to other s as good places to work for (Talent Management 2008). Employees with positive perceptions of the talent management practices of their organisations are likely to be confident of the prospects of their organisations (Talent Management 2008). The research revealed that employees who believed in the talent management policies of their firms tended to have more positive perceptions of their managements (Talent Management 2008). Such employees believed that their managers were capable of effectively managing workloads and that their senior managers felt that employees were critical to organisational success and growth (Talent Management 2008). Employees of such companies were likely to experience greater sense of job stability and security, be happy with company training, feel that their performance is fairly assessed and harbour greater jots of individual achievement (Talent Management 2008).MNCs in China are working towards retaining talent through the adoption of a range of initiat ives (Roberts 2006). Many companies are locating their manufacturing units in interior regions in densely populated areas in order to tap larger workforce pools (Roberts 2006). General Motors, Honda, Motorola, and Intel, for instance, have all shifted some manufacturing or research to inland locations in recent years, both to tap lower costs and to founder up new markets.? (Roberts 2006) Salaries and rewards are being increased significantly across the line in order to retain talent and reduce job hopping (Roberts 2006). Many organisations are taking pains to ensure better living conditions, better cafeteria food and more attractive career paths for their employees (Roberts 2006). Foxconn, the maker of apple iPhones in China is experiencing severe criticism for its treatment of its workforce (Rein 2010). It is homely that such organisations will have to make significant investments in HR policies and practices if they are to attract and retain skilled employees (Rein 2010).The C hinese government is also taking initiatives to improve the content of vocational and technical courses and build a stronger workforce base of skilled workers. It is however very evident that the Chinese economy and the various business organisations, both MNC and local, are facing significant challenges with regard to availability of skilled workers and competent managerial employees. Such trends are also expected to intensify in future.2.4 Talent Retention toolsVaiman and Vance (2008) point that motivational force can be achieved by extrinsically through monetary incentives or intrinsically through non-monetary incentives.2.4.1 Monetary rewards and non monetary rewardsMonetary rewards include all types of stipend and benefits (CB) packages such as profits, performance related payment, deferred compensation plans, cordial and commercial benefits and etc (Tian 2007). Monetary rewards can satisfy employees physiological demand and it is an effective tool to retaining talent (Vai man and Vance 2008). Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, suggests the physiological take have to be contented before dealing with the higher order needs. This may be the reason why money is still the vanquish reward for the majority of people.In contrast, non-monetary reward is another all important(p) tool for retaining employees. It can be use to satisfy employees higher other of needs such as the needs for achievement, tie and power (McMlelland 1987). Non-monetary rewards include training and career development, employer branding, ect. (Tian 2007).The researcher will consider these retention tools in the Chinese environment below..2.4.2 Extrinsic motivation fit to a recent curriculum vitae conducted by Waston Wyatt in China, the number one reason for Chinese intelligent and skilled workers to leave their current job is to find a better-paid job (Leininger 2004). Therefore, it is extremely important for MNCs to offer a competitive compensation and benefits package, in order to reta in the Chinese skilled worker.The following components are unremarkably included in the packages that MNCs offer to local employees, and therefore they are discussed here in detail. SalarySalary is the fixed amount of money pay to an employee for work performed and is the largest component in a CB package. due to the weak social security in China, Chinese employees tend to place more repute on money than Western employee (Jones 1997). Therefore, MNCs need to consider a number of factors when they design the salary level for Chinese employees. For example, the cost of living and level of economic development vary significantly from city to city, so the salary for equivalent positions may vary as well. Leininger (2004) points out that first-tier cities such as Beijing and Shanghai enjoy the highest salary level, followed by second- and third-tier cities. Moreover, the salary level has been increasing at a dramatic rate in China. Since the rapid economic growth, the annual s alary growth rate has been risen up to 8 percent in recent years, and the trend is expected to lodge in future (Tian 2007).As a result, it is necessary for MNCs to have a general idea about local compensation level and salary growth rate before designing their own competitive packages. accomplishment related paymentPerformance related payment (i.e. bonus) is the portion of a CB package that is related to performance. It is very popular and accepted by many MNCs in China.Many MNCs believe that performance related payment is an effective tool to given an incentive for compensation to meet certain goals such as completion of a specified sales target. In addition, it is able to encourage local employees to be more creative such as propose a new idea to increase efficiency in the work place ,or improve the quality of the output, etc (Melvin 2001). To an extent, performance related payment helps to attract local employees and keep them help in the company. Deferred compens ation plans-Deferred compensation plans are also called golden handcuffs. They are popular with MNCs in China, and are offered in the form of a contract-related gratuity. For example, If the Chinese employee stays with the company for a contractually specified length of time ( i.e. 2 years), at the end of his/her contract he or she would be given an trim years salary as a reward.Deferred compensation plans are utile in retaining Chinese employees because it provides a financial incentive for talented Chinese employees to remain in the company. Recently, MNCs have begun offering a new edition of golden handcuffs to young talented Chinese employees who would like to get a degree at an overseas university. They offer a teeming scholarship for these employees and in exchange, the employees have to work for the company for specified length of time after completing their degree (Tian 2007). friendly and commercial benefits.Social benefits are mandatory in China they refer to c ontributions to government-run social damages schemes, which cover pensions, medical care, unemployment, work injury, child birth and housing, etc. The benefits are borne by both employer and employee. 30 and 40 percent of payroll is paid to the State, of which around 50% is paid by employers. In recent years, Chinese employees are increasingly aware of the importance of social benefits, due to scrape costs of housing and medicare in China. , Some MNCs are even willing to pay benefits of more than regulated ratios to retain their employees.By contrast, commercial benefits refer to the benefits offered by an employer to an employee on a commercial basis. Many MNCs in China provide numerous commercial benefits for their employees such as offering loans at below-market interest rates, monetary assistance with single child family or even payment of wedding. Both social and commercial benefits are reported as useful to inducement to employees to remain in the company (Tian 2007).2.4.3 Intrinsic motivationHowever, monetary rewards are not everything employee wants. Once compensation reaches a certain level, employees are likely to look for higher order of needs such as career development opportunities ( Maslow 1954 McClelland1987). tally to the DDI survey in China 2007, the result shows that the top two reasons for Chinese employee turnover were lack of growth and development opportunities with the current company with 53% of the respondents agreed and better career opportunities elsewhere with 42% of the respondents agreed. The result reflects that Chinese employees have high expectations for rapid advancement (Howard, Liu, Wellins and pass oniams 2007). Therefore, it is necessary to consider these non-monetary factors that can motivate and retain employees.As Jones (1997) points out that it is very important to understand Chinese employees expectations. For most Chinese employees, especially those top performers joining a MNC not only for a high CB package but also for the opportunity to receive in advance(p) training and learn western business methods. Those top performers are clearly aware of the skill gap between them and their Western counter split, so they are eager to improve their own knowledge and skills. Additionally, providing training and career opportunities to employees can improve employees commitment to the company. As Leininger (2004) stated that the heart of retention is long term employee commitment. He dissever employees into two different groups. They are satisfied? and act? employees. The satisfied? employees can easily be retained by satisfying their monetary incentives while the committed? employees tend to stay longer with companies even without monetary incentive. A global research conducted by Waston Wyatt shows that committed employees are more productive and efficient than those whose employees showed low commitment (Leininger 2004).Therefore, it is important that MNCs recognize the importance of training a nd development opportunities to their Chinese employees and demonstrate a commitment to training, development and career path development for them. Besides, organizational factors can also influence talent retention such as merged culture, communication, lead behavior are able to satisfy employees needs for affiliation (Chew 2004).In the Chinese case, the leadership behavior is one of the most important motivation and retention drivers for Chinese employees. For many MNCs, the meaning of a good leader? for Chinese people can be far more complicated than what they have seen in their home countries.Leadership in China has specific connotations. According to the research conducted by Craig Pepples, to achieve success in Chinese environment, foreign leader need a strong leadership style to build a team. Chinese employees respect those leaders who have a strong leadership style. They expect leaders always able to give them instruction to follow. Moreover, Pepples also insists that to b e an effective leader, foreigners need to create a culture of teamwork, showing their personal commitment to the employees and care for each individual (Jones 1997). Therefore, Chinese employees are most likely to want to stay and work for an organization if they have a good manager or boss, who recognized individual contribution, and had great company leaderships (Howard, Liu, Wellins and Williams 2007).These studies above are just a few examples of tools regarding talent retention in the Chinese context. When these retention tools are applied to Chinese employees, MNCs have to rank all the tools in order of importance, and thus focus on several areas for motivation and retention talent (Vaiman and Vance, 2008).2.5 Talent development in the Chinese contFear Types, Causes and EffectsFear Types, Causes and EffectsBradley Varney McLeaHow Fear Allows Us to Better Know OurselvesIt is difficult to know how one would respond in a moment of veneration or terror. People tend to give thems elves the benefit of the doubt in situations like these. Fear is one of the most powerful emotions for all living creatures and the most extensively studied emotion (LeDoux, 2014). Autonomic responses are automatic actions that take place inside our nervous system. Fear is an autonomic response that can only be triggered by outside stimuli. You cannot make yourself feel hero-worship, but it is something that we more passively experience. In order to better understand ourselves and our basic nature, timidity should be studied being one of our most primitive emotions. By looking at the origins of forethought, the main categories of charge, the characteristics of concern, and the natural responses to fear I believe we can better understand the concept of fear what it means for us.Do We Know the Origin of Fear?To more amply understand fear it is important to understand its roots. Since the beginning of time, fear has been essential in the choice of the human race and the surviv al of many different species. hman, Carlsson, Lundqvist, and Ingvar (2007) found the following,Fear denotes an emotion that has been primarily shaped in evolutionary arms races between predators and prey. Improved predator hunting skills have prompted more efficient defense manoeuvres by preys, which have put a pressure on further skill development in the predator, and so on. Thus, the function of fear is to motivate organisms to cope with threats that have jeopardized survival throughout evolution.This character reference explains just how the game is evolving the prey is getting smarter and so the predator must do the same or starve. If the rabbits learn that a fox lurks around the woods at night, indeed the rabbits might start to only go into the woods during the day. The rabbits will start to learn the habits of the fox that way they can maneuver their way around and survive. This is how the game is evolving the fox must now learn that the rabbits are getting smarter and so it must make changes if it wants to eat. The rabbits fear getting eaten and dying while the foxes fear starvation and dying, fear drives their motivation. other example is of deer, when a deer is spotted in the woods, will it lift its head up and stare at strangers because it is friendly or because it is panic-struck? If a human approaches the deer too closely, it will turn and run. Will a fawn do the same, maybe not to the exact extent of a deer but yes. Some claim that many creatures, including humans, are born with an innate sense of fear. Is fear learned or is it part of our essence since birth? A toddler is not born white-lipped of fire he will approach the blaze ups without caution. Once the toddler touches the flame and is burned, he will cry and feel pain. Those flames will forever be associated with the pain he felt in that instant. According to McGuire et al. (2013), learning about and remembering fearful experiences are critical to survival. No one enjoys feeling pain and so they will avoid it, even a toddler knows to avoid and fear pain. It is not safe to say that fear is all felt due to experience. Why will the baby cry in the arms of a stranger, but not in the arms of his beat? Does the baby feel afraid? I believe that the baby does feel fear in these instances, while the level of fear is not known. According to Trost, France, Vervoort, Lange, and Goubert (2014), people can be conditioned by observation alone. Due to priming, a sample group of people believed that they could get hurt doing day to day activities. This sample group highly associated fear with pain. These people were so afraid to experience the pain that they were seeing during the priming that they refused to participate in many normal day activities. Living creatures can also be conditioned to fear certain things. An example of this could be a bounder that fears the sight of a spatula because he knows that spatula means getting spanked. When I was young my parents would make loud sounds with a belt in order to scintillation fear in myself and my siblings. We began to fear the belt, especially if the belt ever accompanied us getting spanked. These forms of conditioning are used to put fear into the heart of someone or something else. There is no one that is exclusively immune to fear, it is something that is inescapable.What Are the Two Main Categories of Fear?Fear is divided into two major categories these two categories include superstitious and sane fear. ridiculous fears are not ridiculous fears, but they are fears that one has that do not pose an warm danger to ones life. Phobias are an example of ir intellectual fears. Often people think that wild fears would exist of fears that are extremely uncommon or strange, but in reality if one were asked what fears he has then almost all named would be considered irrational. According to Quandt et al. (2013), women with diabetes are terrified of leg amputation. Since they are so afraid of leg amputa tion, many of them will not walk around their house without their shoes on in case there is a nail jab upward. The likelihood of stepping on a nail inside your own house is slim to none, which means that the idea of wearing shoes to protect their feet is due to an irrational fear. Arachno phobic disorder and claustrophobia are fairly common phobias, or irrational fears. close to people will say that they have some sort of phobia/something they are afraid of. Recently, a woman claimed to be afraid of chisels. Yes, there are many sharks in the ocean, but the likelihood of a shark attack is very slim. In Hawaii, more people die from falling coconuts than from shark attacks. Irrational fears can be potentially dangerous, but are usually misjudged or magnified. A shark attack is very dangerous, but a lot of times the likelihood of occurrence is amped up significantly inside our minds. spell watching horror films, people experience irrational fear since they are not actually in any form of danger.Rational fears are opposite of irrational fears and are composed of immediate threats. If a gun is brought to school one day by a fellow classmate, students will experience rational fear. If the crime rate is high, then a fear of crime can be a rational fear (Chadee Ying, 2013). Threats that can cause injury, death, and ruin reputation are rational fears and have a much higher probability of occurring than do irrational fears. If someone is afraid of heights and decides to go skydiving, that is also an irrational fear. While it may be dangerous to jump out of a plane, you are still strapped in and safely falling down with a skilled instructor. Do these fear categories ever overlap? Definitely, they do. This overlapping happens when the probability of danger increases. If Bob is afraid of heights, but decides to skydive, his irrational fear can become rational once one or two of his parachutes decide to not function correctly.The Characteristics of Fear Allow Us to De tectWhat does fear look like? Is it described by screaming or by cuckoo bumps? Characteristics of fear will vary from person to person and also with each different situation. Some physical characteristics of fear involve a rapid heart rate, quick breathing, elevated epinephrine levels, perspiration, and the tensing of muscles. Depending on the severity of the degree of fear, one can also enter into a state of temporary paralysis which will prohibit the person from being able to scream, make sound, and sometimes even move. If a bunch of college kids decide to go into a cemetery late at night, the ones who are afraid are all experiencing similar or the same physical symptoms of fear. The physical characteristics of fear are generally the same for everyone, but the emotional characteristics will vary from individual to individual. Most people have negative feelings towards fear, but others enjoy it. epinephrine junkies will search for opportunities to feel fear because they like the wa y it allows them to feel. To people like them, fear is desirable and that is its characteristic for them. Fear is not an emotion that can easily be masked or denied due to the obviousness of these characteristics. When people experience negative feelings due to fear, you will see it on their faces. The same works vice versa when positive feelings are felt. Without someone formula that they are afraid, it is stillvery possible to diagnose their symptoms without any words being exchanged.How We reply to Fear Grants UnderstandingFear is the strongest of all the autonomic emotional responses. Since fear is completely an autonomic response it cannot be surely triggered. It is so matter to that our informedness cannot decide nor tell our unconscious how to think or behave. Of course, there are many factors that help define the human being but how often does one get to tap into the unconscious and learn about our basic nature? To sincerely yours understand who we are, we must tap int o the conscious and the unconscious parts of our own minds.The two categories of fear responsesThere are two different categories of fear responses biochemical responses and emotional responses. Biochemical responses are quite possibly an evolutionary development, which allows us learn more about our nature. The major biochemical response is the fight-or-flight response. The fight-or-flight response is when the luggage compartment will doctor itself to either stand its ground or run away. This response has been essential to the survival of many species. When a threat is perceived, hormones are released throughout the body granting humans enhanced ability for survival. With these hormones circulating throughout our bodies, we become quicker, have increased strength, and can see more clearly through dilated pupils. dejection we know if we would fight or if we would flee? The only way to truly know is to experience it. In non-human high priests, the fight-or-flight response has been observed time and time again. Some researchers have concluded that the term should be reversed to flight-or-fight. The argument behind this reversal is that when a non-human primate first perceives a threat, then it enters into a frozen state followed by an attempt to run away. If the primate cannot flee and it feels it must fight, then it will fight (Bracha, Ralston, Matsukawa, Williams, Bracha, 2004).The second year of fear responses is the emotional response. This is generally a negative or a positive feeling. When negative feelings are associated with fear, then the individual will try to avoid the stimuli that are creating fear at all costs this is how phobias are born. When positive feelings are received as a response to fear, adrenaline junkies are born, and these people will actively seek activities that invoke fear. These people are not without fear, but they embrace fear itself and turn it into a natural high.By attempting to understand the concept of fear we understan d parts of our self. We are searching through the enigmas of the unconsciousness so that when we feel afraid, we can realize and better understand who we are. In the future, more research should be done on the emotional response of fear. Researchers should study the adrenaline junkies to find out what chemicals in their brains are different. How does one person react so differently to fear? Although, one will not have conscious control over oneself during moments of fear, the beauty lies within the idea that this is human survival instinct at its best.ReferencesBracha, H. S., Ralston, T. C., Matsukawa, J. M., Williams, A. E., Bracha, A. S. (2004). Does Fight or flight need modify? Psychosomatics, 45(5), 448-449. doihttp//, D., Ying, N. K. N. (2013). Predictors of fear of crime General fear versus perceived risk. daybook of Applied Social Psychology, 43(9), 1896-1904.LeDoux, J. E. (2014). Coming to terms with fear. PNAS Pr oceedings of the National honorary society of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(8), 2871-2878. doi10.1073/pnas.1400335111McGuire, J. L., Bergstrom, H. C., Parker, C. C., Le, T., Morgan, M., Tang, H., . . . Johnson, L. R. (2013). 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